Cradle to Cradle Fabrics A Sustainable Approach in the Fashion Industry

Sustainable Approach in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is one of the top pollution contributors. It has a significant impact on the environment. Once a consumer has used a product for a fair amount of time, they end up discarding it, and this cycle goes on and on. This is the appalling fate of the textile and apparel supply chain. Waste generated in the fashion industry reduces the lifecycle of products too. Thankfully, textile and apparel manufacturers are now thriving on regeneration. They’re implementing a cradle-to-cradle model. From designers to brands and manufacturers, everybody is focusing on sustainable fashion. The goal is to completely eliminate or reduce the ecological footprint. 

Cradle-to-Cradle Concept

Cradle to cradle is a system, certification and approach that focuses on making products sustainable for the circular economy. It ensures that the products are made in such a way that they’re in tune with nature and they’re manufactured sustainably. For example, the resources used to manufacture a product are extracted ethically and replenished later on. A circular model maximises resources and minimises waste. When manufacturers follow this concept, they can produce as much as they want as the lifecycle of the product is now being positively impacted. Waste too is being turned into fuel. Think of it as a no guilt concept in the fashion industry. It is not just a holistic approach towards sustainability but also impacts social and environmental elements. 

This nature inspired design concept was first coined by Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart and William McDonough in the 1990s. The circular economy is based on four principles which are:

  • Preservation of the natural capital
  • Optimization of the available resources
  • Risk reduction
  • Renewable flow of resources and products

Cradle-to-Cradle vs Cradle-to-Grave

When we talk about cradle-to-cradle, we cannot miss LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). The impact of textile and apparel products is measured through LCA. It plays an important role in improving the environmental sustainability challenges the fashion industry is going through. With cradle to cradle, waste can be generated into the same or some other raw material. However, there are other concepts too that evaluate the product life cycle. They are as follows:

  • Cradle-to-Grave

Products are given the cradle-to-cradle certification after the design of the product is evaluated, the practices employed in manufacturing the product are assessed, and its use and reuse potential is determined. In short, it is a closed-loop system. On the other hand, cradle-to-grave is a linear, one-way model. Resources are extracted, products are sold, and then ultimately dumped in the landfill or incinerator. It leads to mass production, marketing and fast-fashion. The production, and wear and tear time increases too. There is immense depletion of raw materials. Cradle to cradle is a more thought-after process. Products are evaluated on five parameters which are – material health, material reutilisation, renewable energy, carbon footprint and social fairness.

A few brands that have been given the C2C certificate are Adidas, Asos, H&M, Decathlon, Nike, Target, and Tommy Hilfiger. Nike has set targets for themselves to only use recycled plastic for their shoes by 2030. The younger generation such as millennials and Gen Z care immensely about the sustainability practices of a brand. They are readily adopting resale products and thrift fashion which are making manufacturers rethink their decisions.

  • Cradle-to-Gate

Cradle to gate is a model that assesses the environmental impact of a product from the extraction of raw materials till the time the finished product leaves the factory. It includes everything in-between too such as transformation of the materials, entry into manufacturing and exit from the plant. A lot of companies choose cradle to gate in their LCA as it is easier and faster. Data can be collected in two phases rather than the product’s entire lifecycle. Before jumping on to C2C, companies start with C2G as it helps them assess initial footprint results. 

  • Gate-to-Gate

Lastly, there is gate to gate. In this only the inputs and outputs of manufacturing processes are considered.

How do Brands get the Cradle-to-Cradle Certification?

In order to be certified, companies need to go through a rigorous certification process. This is led by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. Here’s the criteria and standards you must adhere to:

  • The raw materials you use are safe for humans and the environment
  • Enable a circular economy through regenerative products and design
  • Safeguard clean water and soil
  • Promote renewable energy and reduce harmful emissions into the environment
  • Respect human right and promote social fairness

Based on how a company is playing their part, they’re awarded a certification. The different levels of recognition include – bronze, silver, gold and platinum.


The fashion industry is riding high on sustainability. As a brand/business, if you want to survive, you need to incorporate sustainable manufacturing practices into the model. The only way to ensure more consumers purchase from you is by getting a cradle-to-cradle certificate. For this reason, most fashion and apparel designing programmes throw light on sustainability in their curriculum.

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