On June 19, 2024, all the students from the Interior Design Department, accompanied by their faculty members, embarked on an educational excursion to Beluru and Halebeedu. The trip was a delightful blend of fun and learning, offering the students a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about ancient temple architecture.

The journey started early in the morning, with the group excitedly boarding the bus, eager to explore the historical sites. Upon arrival at Beluru, the students were greeted by the magnificent sight of the Chennakeshava Temple. The intricate carvings and detailed sculptures captivated their attention, providing a rich visual feast of Hoysala architecture. Guided tours and informative sessions helped the students understand the historical significance and the architectural marvels of the temple.

Throughout the day, the students engaged in discussions, took notes, and captured photographs, all while enjoying the camaraderie of their peers and teachers. The excursion not only enriched their understanding of historical architecture but also provided a memorable experience filled with excitement and discovery. By the end of the day, the students returned with a deeper appreciation for ancient architectural practices and a renewed passion for their field of study. The trip to Beluru and Halebeedu was undoubtedly a successful and enriching experience, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.

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